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The Best Blender Buckwheat Waffles

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The best blender buckwheat waffles ever! Kids and adults alike go nuts for these! Packed with protein, sweetened with bananas and naturally gluten free, they whip up in just 60 seconds in the blender!

This recipe is brought to you in collaboration with Organic Valley. We are grateful for our partners! Their support that enables us to bring you beautiful free content every week.

These super easy blender buckwheat waffles have been a recipe that I have been working on for a while and I’m so excited to say we’ve finally perfected them! I’ve wanted a recipe that got a ton of whole grains into the kiddos, didn’t require mixing in a mixing bowl (yes sometimes I am that lazy haha), didn’t have added sweeteners and was scaled to make just 4 waffles.

So when Organic Valley reached out to see if we wanted to come out to their Discovery Day trip and create a recipe, I knew that this would be that recipe! We already use tons of their products everyday so I knew it would be perfect.

I was introduced to Organic Valley’s products and story several years ago and have been such a fan of their work ever since. Not only are they completely organic (which among other things means they are produced without the use of synthetic hormones, pesticides, antibiotics and GMO’s), but they are also a cooperative which I love!

This means that the farmers actually own the business instead of a major corporation simply purchasing milk from the farmers. Being a cooperative means that the farmers get a real say in everything and the profits stay with the family farms…but they also benefit from being one larger entity. This helps them all survive and thrive on their family farms with livable wages. Over 2,000 family farmers across the country make up the coop. It’s an amazing setup! 

We were invited to come out for one of their Discovery Days with the kids, a day where the farmers open their farms to the public to let people come tour and learn. Our day started off at Cloud Cap Farms where we got to meet the cows, hear all about the milking process and learned a ton from the farmers about their feed and farming practices. The ladies were out and about enjoying the lush pastures.

They were super friendly too!

We had some incredibly gorgeous views and a perfect crystal blue sky all day.

Next up was the milking parlor. The kids had so much fun poking their fingers into the milking machine and letting it suction their fingers gently!

They had SO many fun activities for the kids to be involved in and it was very obvious that they were used to the short attention spans of toddlers. Each station was either self-guided or just the right amount of time for them.

This pretend milking station with water was one of their most talked about memories. I was secretly super relieved that no real cow had to be subject to this many milking attempts by tiny hands haha!

We learned all about all the different hays and minerals that the cows are fed to keep them in optimal health. These are merely supplemental to their beautiful lush pastures of course but still very important.

Pretending to be a farmer on the tractors was also very exciting!

Making butter was a total blast! I think it was a little bit more work than Noah was expecting haha!

And of course lunch, cookies and milk were a necessity to cool off from all that hard work making butter and “milking” the cows!

It was so obvious to us throughout the day as we heard from different members of Organic Valley and the farmers themselves how much respect, thought and care goes into how they manage their farms. Being a co-op allows them to keep their farms decentralized with the average farm size being 74 cows too. Overall we had an incredible time and are completely love what Organic Valley is doing with their operations.

Definitely check out their Farm Discovery page to see when your nearest Discovery Day is happening and plan to check it out!

Once we got home we set out to very important business….waffle testing!

My mom and many of my friends struggle with eating gluten and it’s never fun to make food for a party that half the group can’t eat. That being said gluten free flour mixes have always fallen short of passing the taste tests for my very pro-gluten family.

So I make it my goal to find things that taste amazing and happen to naturally be gluten free if possible. Buckwheat is one of those awesome items! While it’s technically not a “grain” it still falls into that category for me.

Lots of people think that buckwheat is related to wheat, but it is actually a fruit seed that is related to rhubarb and sorrel. Which makes it a suitable grain substitute for people who are sensitive to wheat.

We topped these waffles with tons of fresh summer fruit and an incredible homemade vanilla bean whipped cream.

Organic Valley’s heavy whipping cream is my secret to getting perfect lofty whipping cream. The cream is so sweet and buttery that it makes the perfect base for this. A bit of maple syrup if you like (though I can eat this stuff plain it’s so naturally sweet) and some vanilla bean paste or the seeds of a vanilla bean finish it. Heavenly!

I hope you make these waffles soon and of course hop on over to Organic Valley’s product finder to track down exactly where you can find their products near you!

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Best Blender Buckwheat Waffles Recipe

The best blender buckwheat waffles ever! Kids and adults alike go nuts for these! Packed with protein, sweetened with bananas and naturally gluten free, they whip up in just 60 seconds in the blender!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 16 minutes
Total Time 21 minutes
Servings 4
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  • 1 cup buckwheat
  • ¾ cup Organic Valley Whole Milk we LOVE their grassfed whole milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg
  • ½ teaspoon cardamom
  • Serving options: fresh fruit maple vanilla bean whipped cream, recipe attached, maple syrup, butter, etc.
  • Maple Vanilla Bean Whipped Cream
  • 1 pint Organic Valley Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 1-2 tablespoons maple syrup optional
  • 1 ½ teaspoons vanilla bean paste


  • 1. Add all waffle ingredients to blender. Blend for 60 seconds on high.
  • 2. Cook in a well-greased waffle iron to desired level of doneness.
  • 3. While waffles cook, whip together the whipped cream ingredients with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form.
  • 4. Serve with fresh fruit, Organic Valley butter (if desired), maple syrup and plenty of napkins!
  • 5. Recipe easily doubles. Enjoy!


Serving: 1g | Calories: 677kcal | Carbohydrates: 42g | Protein: 12g | Fat: 53g | Saturated Fat: 33g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 17g | Trans Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 248mg | Sodium: 263mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 27g
Author: Dani Meyer
Course : Breakfasts
Cuisine : American
easy, blender, cooking, waffles, buckwheat waffles, fresh fruit, syrup, recipe, breakfast

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Organic Valley. The opinions and text are all mine.



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About Dani Meyer

Hi, I’m Dani! I’m most importantly mama to 3 wild little dudes. I spend my days cooking, photographing and exploring the Pacific Northwest. I'm a full time food blogger and online business coach.

I’m the author of Stress Free Camping, a 120+ page guide on making epic food in the woods. I’m also the founder of Food Blogger Entrepreneurs, the leading online academy and private community for food bloggers. → More About Dani

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